Dixie bowl Honor Scores

Not all scores are represented on here as of this time, they are slowly being added as we go through 60+ Years of Honor Scores!

  • Anthony Alvey: Shot 3 300's, 832, 826
    Anthony Orr: 300
    Austin Louden: Shot 2 300's, 835, 822
    Blake Nelson: 300, 821
    Brad Ellis: 300
    Brennan Doyle: 300
    Brandon Padgett: 300
    Clayton Cox: 298, Shot 3 300's, 812, 826
    Clinton Cox: Shot 3 300's, 807, 820
    Daniel Deno: 299
    David Hagan: Shot 2 300's
    David Williams: 300
    Damien Barnett: 300
    Danny Lyons Jr: Shot 2 300's
    Derrick Gilbert: 300
    Dwayne Culver: 299, 300, 836
    Devon Holland: Shot 2 300's, 818
    Grayson Roll: 298
    Hunter Adams: 300
    Jacob Luna: 300
    James Blevins: 839
    James Ray: 300, 821, 801
    Jared Miller: 300
    Jeremy Glass: 300
    Kevin Griffanti: Shot 2 300's
    Kody Coomer: 300
    Mark Smith: 803
    Mikell Reyes: 300
    Michael Turner: Shot 2 300's
    Noah Wright: 300
    Pete Pastin: 810
    Preston Russ: 300
    Regina Burks: 300
    Rick IsRael: 300
    Ritchie Booth: 300
    Robbie Oakleaf: 806
    Ryan O'Neal: 802
    Russell Lewis: Shot 3 300's
    Scott Domeck: 300
    Scott Tate: 300
    Thomas Overstreet: 803
    Tom McCubbins: 805

  • Anthony Alvey: 300, 804
    Austin Louden: 801
    Bobby Davis: 299, Shot 2 300's
    Bobby Durall Jr: 300
    Brad Riggs: 300, 804
    Brennan Doyle: 300
    Brian Nall: 300
    Blake Nelson: 299, Shot 2 300's
    Clayton Cox: Shot 2 300's, 810
    Clinton Cox: Shot 2 299's, 300, 811, 809, 805, 802
    Connor Roberts: 809
    Corey York: 299
    Dallas Weber: 300
    Danny Lyons III: Shot 2 300's
    David Hagan: 300
    David Williams: 298
    Devon Holland: 299
    Dwayne Culver: 298, 299, 808
    Donnie Fuller: 300, 801
    Dylan Vaughn: 300
    Dustin McMahan: 299, 300, 824
    Eric Leuthart: 299
    Eric Perry: Shot 2 300's
    Emery Mason: 300
    Jared Miller: 299
    James Ray: Shot 3 300's, 842
    Josh Jones: Shot 2 300's
    Johnny Welch IV: 300
    Jakob Luna: 298
    Jeremy Coulter: 801
    Jeremy Glass: 300
    Kody Coomer: 300
    Matt Sutton: 840
    Michael Turner: 300, 826
    Noah Wright: 300
    Pete Pastin: 810
    Preston Russ: 300
    Ron Turner: 300
    Ryan O'Neal: 298, 299, Shot 4 300's, 800
    Russell Lewis: 300
    Scott Domeck: 299, 821
    Scott Tate: 299, 805
    Shannon Green: 300
    Shane Zoeller: 300
    Tyler Estes: 300
    Tim Powell: 299, 855
    Wesley Parker: 299

  • Anthony Alvey: Shot 3 300's, 832, 826
    Anthony Orr: 300
    Austin Louden: Shot 2 300's, 835, 822
    Blake Nelson: 300, 821
    Brad Ellis: 300
    Brandon Padgett: 300
    Brennan Doyle: 300
    Bobby Davis: 299, 803
    Clinton Cox: 300
    Clayton Cox: Shot 3 300's, 812, 826, 810
    Corey York: 299
    Dallas Weber: 300
    Danny Lyons Jr: Shot 2 300's
    David Hagan: Shot 2 300's
    David Williams: 300
    Damien Barnett: 300
    Devon Holland: Shot 2 300's, 818
    Derrick Gilbert: 300
    Dwayne Culver: 299, 300, 836
    Dylan Vaughn: 300
    Emery Mason: 299, 300
    Eric Leuthart: 299
    Eric Perry: Shot 2 300's
    Grayson Roll: 298
    Harold Blanchard: 300
    Hunter Adams: 300
    Jared Miller: 300
    James Blevins: 839
    James Ray: Shot 2 300's, 821, 842
    Jacob Luna: 300
    Jeremy Glass: 300
    Kevin Griffanti: Shot 2 300's
    Kody Coomer: 300
    Mark Smith: 803
    Michael Turner: Shot 2 300's
    Mikell Reyes: 300
    Noah Wright: 300
    Pete Pastin: 810
    Preston Russ: 300
    Regina Burks: 300
    Rick IsRael: 300
    Ritchie Booth: 300
    Robbie Oakleaf: 806
    Russell Lewis: Shot 2 300's
    Ryan O'Neal: 802
    Thomas Overstreet: 803
    Tom McCubbins: 805
    Scott Domeck: 299, 300
    Scott Tate: 300
    Shane Zoeller: 300

  • Alexa Escamilla: 300
    Anthony Alvey: 299, 300, 800, 826
    Austin Louden: 299, 300, 805
    Bobby Davis: 299, Shot 2 300's
    Brandon Padgett: 300, 817
    Brandon Muss: 300, 813
    Brandon Swanson: Shot 2 300's, 810
    Brent Padgett: 299, 300
    Caleb Davis: 299
    Chris Corbin: 300
    Clinton Cox: 299, 300, 809, 814
    Clayton Cox: 300, 801
    Craig Shoemaker: 299
    Dallas Weber: 299
    David Bassett: 299
    David Smalley: Shot 2 300's
    Denver Wilson: 300
    Donnie Fromme: 299, 300
    Emery Mason: 299, Shot 2 300's
    Eric Leuthart: 300, 813
    Eric Mobley: 299, 300
    Eric Perry: Shot 2 300's
    Eric Smallwood: 300, 808
    Gary Gill: 298, 300
    Gary Ray: 299
    Greg Burks: 300
    James Blevins: 300
    Jason Branham: 299
    Jason Riddle: 300
    Jason Stopinski: 825
    Jim Jordan: 299
    John Berding: 820
    John Griffanti: 300
    Jared Miller: 300
    Joshua Martin: 300
    Joe Gronefeld: 300
    Kenny Lape: 300
    Lee Grubs: 300
    Mike Howell: 300
    Mike Mitchell: 300, 800
    Paul Cestaric: 811
    Paul Merideth Jr: 299, 300
    Paul Ray: 300
    Regina Burks: 300
    Ron Turner: 300
    Russell Lewis: 299, 300
    Tim Miller: 300
    Tim Powell: Shot 3 299's, 819, 821, 834
    Tony Cox: 299
    Tony Hines: 300

  • Anthony Alvey: 299, Shot 2 300's, 800, 804, 826
    Bobby Davis: 298, 300
    Chaz Hardin: 298
    Chris Corbin: Shot 6 300's, 837, 844, 804
    Cody Allen: 300, 815
    Dallas Weber: 298
    Daniel Lyons: 298, 300
    Eddie Green: 299
    Glenn Woods: 300
    Greg Burks: 300
    Herb Lyons: 299
    James Blevins: 300
    James Combs: 300
    Jared Miller: 300
    Jim Jordan: 300
    Joe Rosenberry: 299, 300, 857
    John Williams: 300
    Justin Witt: 300
    Lawrence Miller: 300
    Matt Housley: 300
    Mike Mitchell: 300
    Mike Shannon: 299
    Ryan Armstrong: 300
    Ryan O'Neal: 300, 806
    Shawn Thompson: 300
    Steve Kirchner: 300
    Tom Derringer: 299

  • Alan Hardz: 298
    Anthony Alvey: 298, 299, 300
    Austin Louden: 804
    Beth Corbin: 300
    Caleb Davis: 300
    Casey Elder: 299, 300
    Chris Chandler: 300
    Chris Corbin: 299, Shot 3 300's, 812, 826
    Chris Hester: Shot 5 300's, 805, 817
    Cody Johnson: 300
    Cortnei Burks: 300, 803, 810
    Craig Caffee Jr: 804
    Danny Lyons: 299, 300, 819
    Darrin Harris: 298
    Darin Harris: 299
    Dwayne Culver: 300
    Dylan Vaughn: Shot 4 300's, 804
    Denver Wilson: Shot 2 300's
    Dallas Weber: 300
    Ed Potter: 300
    Gerald Wolfe: 299
    Gary Ray: 300
    Herb Lyons: 299, Shot 2 300's
    Harold Nichols: 299, Shot 2 300's
    Jacob Dempsey: 300
    Jared Miller: Shot 2 300's
    James Jones: 300
    James Ray: 299, Shot 3 300's, 803, 845
    James Muthler: 299
    Jim Jordan: 298
    Joe Powers: 298, 805
    Joe Smith: 300
    John Williams: 299, 300
    Justin Klinglesmith: 300
    Justin Witt: 802
    Kris Bright: 300
    Kevin Griffanti: 803, 813
    Kyle Rodgers: 299
    Lee Grubs: 298
    Matt Sutton: 299
    Marty Allen: 810
    Mike Conn: 300, 810
    Mike Cyrus: 299, 300
    Mike Hatcher: 300
    Mike Howell: 300
    Mike Lowe: 300
    Mike Mitchell: Shot 3 300's, 807, 818
    Nathan Beck: 300
    Paul Ray: 804
    Richard Goldsmith: 300
    Ryan O'Neal: 300
    Sean Ferrell: 300
    Shawn Thompson: 300
    Tim Durrett: 300
    Tim Miller: 803
    Tim Powell: 298, 300, 813, 813, 814, 857
    Trish Bunnell: Shot 2 299's, 300
    Wesley Parker: 300
    Wayne Gill: 802

  • Alex Corum: 299
    Anthony Alvey: Shot 2 299's, Shot 3 300's, 814, 803
    Ari Wilson: 300, 818
    Beth Corbin: 300
    Billy Vincent: 300
    Bobby Davis: 299, Shot 2 300's
    Bobby Woods: 298
    Brandon Muss: 300
    Danny Lyons: 299, Shot 2 300's, 819
    Denver Wilson: 299, Shot 2 300's
    Caleb Davis: 300
    Casey Elder: 299, 300
    Chris Chandler: 300
    Chris Corbin: Shot 6 299's, Shot 7 300's, 812, 831, 834, 814, 817, 816, 838, 811
    Chris Head: 300, 814
    Chris Hester: Shot 5 300's, 805, 833, 817
    Clinton Cox: Shot 3 299's, Shot 3 300's, 811, 814
    Cortnei Burks: 299, Shot 2 300's, 803, 810
    Cody Johnson: 300
    Craig Caffee Jr: 804
    David Mattingly: 299, Shot 2 300's, 803
    Denver Wilson: 299, Shot 2 300's
    Dwayne Culver: 300, 854, 807
    Dylan Vaughn: Shot 5 300's, 822, 813, 815, 804, 855
    Ed Potter: 300
    Emma Owens: 300
    Emanuel Giliam: 300
    Eric Perry: Shot 2 300's
    Eric Smallwood: Shot 2 300's
    Gary Martin: 300
    Gerald Wolfe: 299, 300
    Herb Lyons: Shot 2 299's, Shot 2 300's
    Harold Nichols: Shot 2 299's, Shot 3 300's
    Jacob Dempsey: 300
    Jacob Rowan: Shot 2 300's, 837
    James Blevins: 300
    James Jones: 300
    James Ray: Shot 2 299's, Shot 3 300's, 803, 845
    James Muthler: 299
    Jared Miller: Shot 2 300's, 810
    Jeremy Glass: Shot 2 300's
    Jim Jordan: 298
    Joe Smith: 300
    Joe Powers: 805, 298
    John Williams: 299, 300
    Josh Muckey: 801
    Justin Klinglesmith: Shot 2 299's, Shot 2 300's, 822, 802
    Justin Moore: 299
    Justin Luna: 813
    Justin Witt: 802
    Kenny Lape: 299, 300
    Kenny McAfee: 300
    Kris Bright: 300
    Larry Miller: 300
    Lee Grubs: 298
    Matt Sutton: 299
    Michael Turner: Shot 2 300's, 300, 818
    Mike Mitchell: Shot 4 299's, Shot 7 300's, 807, 818, 831, 812, 812, 855
    Mike Cyrus: Shot 2 299's, 300
    Mike Hatcher: 300
    Mike Howell: 300
    Mike Lowe: 300
    Mike Strange Jr: 300
    Nathan Beck: 300
    Paul Meredith: 299
    Paul Ray: 300, 816
    Paul Esten: 300
    Quinton Wilkins: 300
    Richard Goldsmith: 300
    Roger Klinglesmith: 300
    Ron Turner: 300
    Ryan O'Neal: 299, 300
    Sandey Lynch: 810
    Scott Fromme: 300
    Scott Domeck: 806
    Sean Ferrell: 300
    Shannon Green: 300
    Shawn Thompson: 300, 807
    Steve Haycraft II: 300
    Steve Witt: 299
    Tim Durrett: 300
    Tim Miller: 803
    Tim Powell: Shot 3 299's, Shot 4 300's, 801, 805, 813, 814, 846, 857, 811
    Todd Goldsmith: 298
    Trish Bunnell: Shot 2 299's, Shot 3 300's
    Tiffany Webb: 299
    Tom Ford: 299, 300
    Tony Cox: 299, Shot 4 300's, 800, 803, 825
    Tony Hall: 299
    Wesley Parker: 300
    Wayne Gill: 802

Ken bowl Honor scores

Not all scores are represented on here as of this time, they are slowly being added as we go through 60+ Years of Honor Scores!

  • Aaron Cornelius: 300
    Albert Jackson: 299, 300, 803, 803
    Andrew Parker: 300
    Anthony Orr: 815, 816, 816
    Austin Kohler: 299, 844, 800
    Billy Hankins: 300
    Bobby Woods: 300
    Braden Brann: 298
    Braxton Slone: 300
    Brian Abell: 300
    Brian Garrett: 300
    Brandon Flora: 299, Shot 2 300's, 833
    Brandon Goodlett: 298
    Brandon Padgett: Shot 3 300's
    Brandon Payne: 300
    Brent Padgett: 300, 837
    Bryan Wilson: Shot 2 300's
    Bryce Frantz: 299, 300, 826, 827
    Bryce Krener: 300
    Charles Leonhardt: 300
    Chris Bayens: 299
    Chris Chandler: Shot 2 300's, 802, 812
    Chris Hankins: 300
    Connor Woosley: 300, 802
    Cortnei Burks: 300, 857
    Dale Vanover: 300
    Darion Patton: 300
    Danielle Summitt: 300
    Dawson Carta: 802
    Devon Holland: 300
    Dylan Vaughn: 298, 300, 820
    Dwayne Culver: 300, 803
    Dwayne Gallagher: 300
    Eric Embrey: 299
    Eric Smallwood: 300, 827
    Eric Zocklein: 300
    Emilee Horton: 300
    Gabriel Garcia: 805
    Gavin Bolin: 300
    Gavin Bowlin: 300
    Gary Martin: Shot 2 300's
    Hailey Bozych: 300
    Harold Blanchet: 300
    Jacob Bybee: 300
    Jacob Harper: 299
    Jacob Rowan: 300
    Jamie Wallingford: 300
    Jean Perez: 300, 821
    Jeff Donovan: 300
    Joe Gronefield: 300
    John Brown: 813
    Josh Bindner: 300
    Josh Ison: 300, 802
    Keith Hampton: 300
    Kyle Rodgers: Shot 2 817's
    Kyle Troup: 804
    Larry Moch Jr: 299
    Larry Oaks: 300
    Matt Mudd: 300
    Matthew Wilhite: 300, 854
    Michael Mellick: 299, 801
    Mike Huffman: 300
    Mike Wolfe: 300, 805
    Ralph Beavers: 300
    Rece Herron: 300
    Ricky Bolin Jr: 300, 810
    Robbie Oakleaf: 835
    Roman Phillips: 300
    Ryan O'Neal: 809
    Steve Novak: 300, 813
    Tanner Johnson: 300
    Tony Meibers: 300
    Trent Smallwood: Shot 2 299's
    Todd Frantz: 802
    Tyler Blevins: 300
    William Knowland: 300

  • Able Torres: 300
    Ayden Fisher: 300
    Billy Willis: 300, 815
    Blake Nelson: 300
    Brett Saltsman: 300
    Brandon Flora: 300
    Brandon Payne: 300
    Bryce Frantz: 299, 300, 812, 817
    Chris Chandler: 300
    Chris Driehurst: Shot 2 300's, 805
    Chris Hankins: 298
    Connor Woosley: Shot 2 300's, 845
    Cortnei Burks: 300
    Courtnei Burks: 300
    Dawson Carta: 300
    Denver Wilson: 300
    Donald Gentry: 300
    Dwjaun Cross: 300
    Dylan Vaughn: 300, 805, 813
    Elliott Gordon: 300
    Eric Leuthart: 803
    Eric Perry: 300
    Eric Smallwood: 299, Shot 5 300's, 811, 808, 859, 834
    Eric Zoecklein: 300
    Emily Lewis: 299, 816
    Gary Martin: 299
    George Gallar: 300
    James Blevins: 300
    Jared Borah: 300
    Jason Benningfield: 299
    Jim Jordan: 299, 300
    Jimmy Brewer Jr: 298, 300, 815
    Jeremy Coulter: 299
    Joe Fowler: 300
    Joe Gronefield: 300
    John Brown: 299, Shot 3 300's, 814
    John McCarthy: 801
    Joshua Ison: 813
    Kenny Lape: 300
    Kody Straley: 299
    Lewis Grier III: 300
    Landon Stoff: 300
    Mike Hatcher: 300
    Mike Lilly: 300
    Mike Wolfe: 300
    Shannon Ruff: 300
    Sean Ferrell: 300
    Scott Sparks: 300, 806
    Shawn Thompson: 298, 299, 800, 809
    Stacy Clark: 300
    Stephen Simmons Jr: Shot 2 300's
    Steve Novak: 300
    Todd Frantz: 300
    Todd Harlow: Shot 2 299's
    Todd Smith: Shot 2 300's, 804
    Tony Cox: 299, 300, 837
    Tony Meibers: 299
    Tony Preston: 300, 816
    Trent Smallwood: 300
    Tim Durrett: Shot 2 300's
    US Thomas: 299

  • Able Torrea: 824
    Alex Taylor: 804
    Austin Nelson: 299
    Ben Wallace: 800
    Billy Hankins: 838
    Billy Seale: 298
    Billy Willis: Shot 2 299's, 300, 816
    Blake McClain: 816
    Brian Nall: 299, 813, 807
    Brian Schramm: 800
    Brett Saltsman: 300, 806
    Brent Padgett: 300
    Brendan Keller: 299, 822
    Brenden Woods: Shot 2 300's, 847
    Cameron Carder: Shot 2 300's
    Christian Pavey: 300
    Chris Bayens: 300
    Cortnei Burks: 300, 825, 819
    Craig Houser: 300, 811
    Cory Bailey: 300
    Dakota Waskom: 298, 300
    Daniel Droppelman: 299
    Darren Talley: 300
    Danny Wallace: 300, 822
    Dylan Vaughn: Shot 2 300's, 809
    Eric Leuthart: Shot 3 300's, 800, 814
    Eric Mobley: 300
    Eric Smallwood: 300
    Eric Wilkins: 300
    Jared Borah: 300, 802
    Jason Riddle: 300
    Jeffrey Huddleston: 300
    Jeremy Coulter: 300
    John Topp: 300
    Johnathan Smith: 299
    Josh Binder: 300
    Josh Ison: 300
    Joshua Ison: 300
    Kenny Lape: 300, 832
    Kenny White: Shot 2 300's
    Lewis Grier III: 300
    Logan Clark: 300
    Marty Sils: 300
    Michael Hinkle: 300
    Mike Wolfe: 300, 827
    Noah Hunter: 300
    Regina Burks: 300
    Rick Isreal: 300
    Ricky Bolin Jr: 300, 824, 802
    Roman Philiips: 300
    Roy Kellow: 300
    Ryan O'Neal: 299
    Shawn Thompson: 298, Shot 3 300's, 834, 847
    Stacy Clark: 300
    Stephen Simmons Jr: 816
    Steve Lawson Jr: 299
    Shane Vaughn: 833
    Thomas Ford: Shot 2 300's
    Tom Ford: 821
    Tony Cox: Shot 2 300's, 801
    Tony Preston: 300
    Tyler Slaubaugh: 300, 813
    Weston Metts: 300
    William Morris: 300
    William Seale: 300

  • Aaron Irwin: 300
    Ayden Fischer: 300
    Barney Wimsatt: 300
    Ben Wallace: 300
    Billy Bischoff: 300
    Billy Vincent: 300
    Bobby Woods: Shot 2 300's
    Brandon Flora: 299, 300, 820
    Brandon Logsdon: 300
    Charlie Doerins: 300
    Charlie Smith: 300
    Chris Corbin: 299, 300, 804, 820
    Chris Hester: 300
    Cory Bailey: 300
    Connor Woosley: 299
    Craig Houser: 300
    Daniel Hilton: 806
    David Hobbs: 300
    Dennis Hooks: 299
    Don Bolen: 300
    Doug Evans: 804
    Dylan Vaughn: 299, Shot 2 300's
    Eric Adams: 299, 300
    Eric Smallwood: 299, 300, 855
    Eric Zocklein: Shot 2 300's, 825
    Gerald Wolfe: 300
    Greg Sarver: 822
    Harold Bradley: 299
    Jackson Bickel: 300
    James Combs: 299, Shot 2 300's, 837
    James Dunn Jr: 299
    Jason Branham: 299
    Jared Borah: 803
    Jeremy Thomas: Shot 2 300's
    Jimmy Marrillia: 300
    John Topp: Shot 3 300's
    Justin Luna: 300
    Joshua Ison: 300
    Karen Flora: 300
    Kenny Lape: 299, 300
    Kenny White: 299, 300
    Mark Smith: 300
    Matthew Leslie: 300
    Michael Bogers: 300, 810
    Mike Denny: 300, 836
    Mike Puckett: 300
    Ricky Bolin Jr: 300
    Robert Oakleaf Jr: Shot 4 300's, 878
    Roy Kellow: Shot 2 300's, 803
    Ryan Armstrong: 300
    Scott Sparks: Shot 2 299's, 825, 805
    Sean Ferrell: 300, 801
    Shane Vaughn: 300
    Shawn Thompson: 300
    Shawn Thompson Sr: 300
    Stacy Clark: 300
    Terry Vaughn: 300
    Tiger Leonhardt: 300
    Tony Bailey: 300
    Tony Cox: 300
    Tony Smith: 300
    Travis Hearthel: 300
    Todd Harlow: Shot 2 299's, 300
    Tom Jones: 300
    Vernon Hughes: 300
    William Puckett: 300

  • Austin Nelson: 299
    Austin Raley: 300
    Billy Hanka: 300
    Billy Vincent Jr: Shot 2 300's
    Billy Willis: 300
    Brett Saltsman: 814
    Chris Wright: 300
    Cory Anderson: 300
    Connor Woosley: 299
    David Wallace: Shot 2 300's
    Denver Wilson: 299, 800
    Dylan Vaughn: Shot 2 300's, 818
    Eric Leuthart: 299, 300, 832
    Eric Smallwood: 300
    Eric Zocklein: 300
    Frank Wargo: Shot 2 300's
    James Dunn Jr: 803
    Jeremy Shofner: 300
    Joe Keith: 299
    Jimmy Brewer: 300
    Jimmy Brewer Jr: 300
    Josh Binder: 802
    Josh Hampton: 300
    Karen Flora: 299
    Kyle Reed: 300
    Kyle Rodgers: 300
    Lewis Grier: 300
    Matthew Seay: 300
    Michael Turner: Shot 2 300's
    Mike Denny: 300
    Mike Ingram: 300
    Mr. Lee Bradley: 814
    Regina Burks: 299
    Roger Hall: Shot 2 300's
    Sabrina Glass: 300
    Scott Sparks: 300
    Shannon Green: 299, 300
    Shawn Thompson Sr: Shot 2 300's
    Stephen Simmons: 299
    Stephen Simmons Jr: 300
    Stacy Clark: 299

  • AJ Rice: 298, 300, 835, 801
    Allen Thompson: 299
    Bailey Mavrick: 300
    Billy Hankins: Shot 2 300's, 825
    Billy Vincent: 817
    Brett Saltsman: 300, 802
    C. Burks / T. Slaugbaugh: 300
    Cortnei Burks: Shot 2 299's, 300, 837, 803
    Charles Leonhardt: 300
    Chris Corbin: 299, 300, 831
    C Tipton: 299
    C Pate: 299
    Cory Anderson: 800
    Curtis Slone: 300
    Craig Cox: 815
    D Rogers: 827
    Dennis Hardin: 300
    Emery Mason: 300
    Eric Adams: 300, 807
    Eric Leuthart: Shot 3 300's, 826, 802
    Eric Smallwood: 803
    Frank Wargo III: Shot 3 300's, 818
    Gary Marcum: 300
    G Gohagan III: 803
    J Blodsoe: 300
    JC Berding: 300
    James Combs: 299, 300
    James Ray: 300
    Jeremy King: 804
    Jeremy Shofner: 300
    Jerry Huddleston: 300
    J Mosley: Shot 2 300's, 813
    Jason Williams: 300, 802
    Jean Perez: 300, 835
    Jacob Yazell: 300, 825
    Jimmy Brewer Jr: 809
    Joshua Bowen: 300
    K Harvey: 299
    Kenny Lape: 298, 300
    Kevin Westray: 811
    Kyle Rodgers: Shot 3 300's, 801, 833
    Kristina Cox: 300, 814
    Larry Wells: 299
    Lee Grubs: 300
    Lynn Mackin: 300
    Matthew Schaefer: 300
    Michael Brown: 299
    Michael Westray: 300
    Mr. Lee: 299, 836
    Mike Hatcher: Shot 2 300's
    Mike Strange Jr: 300
    Marty Sils: 300
    Nolan White: 846
    Matt Ogle: 300
    P Sibby-Walker: 299, 808
    Randy Johnson: 300
    Rita Lavender: 298
    Robbie Gronefeld: 300
    Roger Shelton: 300
    Roy Kellow: Shot 2 300's
    Ron Turner: 299
    Ronnie Kerfoot: 300
    Russell Young: 300
    Steve Peters: 298
    Trey Simons: 300
    Tony Cox: 300, 805
    Tony Lambert: 300
    Tony Preston: Shot 2 300's
    Tony Smith: 300
    Todd Smith: 300
    Tim Hester: 300
    Tyler Slaubaugh: 300, 807

  • AJ Rice: Shot 2 300's, 834
    Alan Minch: 805
    Allen Ellingsworth: 300
    Andy Cozzens: 299
    Anthony Alvey: Shot 2 300's, 816
    Anthony Kulmer: 300, 804
    Bill Latham: 300
    Billy Seales: 300
    Billy Vincent: 298, Shot 2 300's, 810
    Bobby Davis: 300, 811
    Brandon Swanson: 816
    Bryan Gammons: 300
    Bryan Wilson: 298, 300
    Charles Bragg: 300
    Chris Corbin: 298, 300, 860, 811
    Chris Hester: 299, Shot 3 300's, 804, 814, 802
    Chris Preston: 299, 804
    Chuck Bragg: 300
    Chet Ramsey: 299
    Clinton Cox: 300
    Craig Cox: 300
    Cortnei Burks: 299
    Courtnei Burks: 300, 807
    Dan Wallace: 298, 826
    David Cunningham: 300
    David Wallace: 300
    Derrick Dyer: 299
    Denver Wilson: 804
    Doug Barker: 299
    Dylan Vaughn: Shot 2 300's, 877, 804
    Emery Mason: 300
    Eric Leuthart: Shot 3 300's, 836
    Eric Smallwood: 300
    Emanuel Gilliam: 299, 300
    Jamal Davis: Shot 2 300's
    James Combs: 298, 300
    James Ray: 300, 834
    Jacob Yazell: 300
    Katie Couvillon: 299
    Kevin Westray: 300
    Marvin Thomas: 299
    Marty Sils: 300
    Michael McCubbins: 300
    Michael Turner: 299, 300, 806
    Mike Williams: 298
    Kenny House Jr: 300
    Kenny Lape: 300
    Kenny McAfee: 300
    Patty Stoff: 299
    Ron Turner: 300
    Scott Downs: 300
    Scott Moody: 300
    Shawn West: 300
    Steve Simmons Jr: 825
    Teresa Smith: 299
    Thomas Ford: 300
    Todd Smith: 299, 300
    Tom Smallwood: 300
    Tony Cox: 298, 299, 300, 851
    Tony Lambert: 300
    Tony Preston: 814
    Wes Malott: Shot 3 300's
    Zeke Byat: 818
    Robbie Gronefeld: 299, 300, 811

Looking to join a league? Contact us to get connected!

Dixie bowl lanes

10526 Dixie Hwy

Louisville, KY 40272

(502) 937-7900

Ken bowl lanes

7021 Southside Dr

Louisville, KY 40214

(502) 367-1732