Some scores may not be represented at this time, we are currently in contact with the National USBC to receive all scores for our centers.

Dixie bowl Statistics

    • The current house record is 878 held by Kenny McAfee, shot in the 2016-2017 season.

    • The second highest recrod is 874 held by Tiler Levesque, shot in the 2016-2017 season.

    • The third highest record is 869 held by Ryan Butler, shot in the 2015-2016 season.

  • The 2024-2025 current high series is 857 held by Anthony Alvey, shot on 2/20/2025.

    • Chris Corbin currently holds the record for the most 300’s shot in a single season, shooting 8 in 2012–2013.

    • Chris Corbin has the most career 300s at Dixie Bowl, with a total of 33 perfect games spanning from 2012 to 2023.

      • First recorded: 9/4/2012

      • Last recorded: 3/19/2023

    • Roger Klinglesmith has the second most career 300s at Dixie Bowl, with a total of 30 perfect games spanning from 1996 to 2021.

      • First recorded: 10/17/1996

      • Last recorded: 4/27/2021

    • Herb Lyons has the third most career 300s at Dixie Bowl, with a total of 26 perfect games spanning from 1988 to 2019.

      • First recorded: 3/16/1988

      • Last recorded: 10/4/2019

Ken bowl Statistics

    • The current house record is 878 held by Robert Oaklaf Jr, shot in the 2021–2022 youth season.

    • The second highest record is 877 held by Dylan Vaughn, shot in the 2018-2019 season.

    • The third highest record is 868 held by Derek Roseberry, shot in the 2012-2013 season.

  • The 2024-2025 current high series is 865 held by Rob Lang, shot on 3/4/2024.

    • Derek Roseberry is currently tied for the record for the most 300’s shot in a single season, shooting 8 in 2014–2015.

    • Kyle Rodgers is currently tied for the record for the most 300’s shot in a single season, shooting 8 in 2013–2014.

    • Derek Roseberry has the most career 300s at Ken Bowl, with a total of 27 perfect games spanning from 2004 to 2016.

      • First recorded: 4/4/2004

      • Last recorded: 5/3/2016

    • Roy Kellow has the second most career 300s at Ken Bowl, with a total of 26 perfect games spanning from 1989 to 2023.

      • First recorded: 3/22/1989

      • Last recorded: 2/8/2023

    • Eric Smallwood has the third most career 300s at Ken Bowl, with a total of 18 perfect games spanning from 2012 to 2024.

      • First recorded: 3/25/2012

      • Last recorded: 12/27/2024

Honor Scores

Total Honor Scores: 0
Shot at Dixie Bowl: 0
Shot at Ken Bowl: 0
Total 300 Games: 0
Total 800+ Series: 0

Looking to join a league? Contact us to get connected!

Dixie bowl lanes

10526 Dixie Hwy

Louisville, KY 40272

(502) 937-7900

Ken bowl lanes

7021 Southside Dr

Louisville, KY 40214

(502) 367-1732